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There were many hugs and tears as this was the first contact my grandfather's family.

Jun 2007

Overall, our trip was wonderful and is one of the highlights of my life. Of course, all of our excursions with your company contributed to our experience. To recap, you took us on a tour of Pompeii and Amalfi coast, transferred us from our ship to the hotel, took us on a tour of Rome, and then I went with your firm to find my relatives in Raiano. First Umberto did a fabulous job on our first excursion as did the independent guide at Pompeii. We were very impressed with the quality of our time in Pompeii as I know we saw much more than others we know who have gone there. Our guide spoke English very well and demonstrated a real interest in making our morning memorable. What can you say about Amalfi? It was our first time there and we are determined to return. Second, on the transfer to our hotel, we met Remo. He actually made a simple transfer a highlight as he had us laughing throughout the drive. He actually convinced me to book the trip to Raiano you know, I asked about it and was never really certain about going through with it, I agreed only if he would take us, which I'm grateful he agreed to do. Third Francesco took us to Rome and showed us more than we imagined. All of the above trips were memorable and we are contemplating a return to Italy in the fall. When we are more certain of our plans, we will contact you for another tour of Rome. Finally, Remo took Donna and me to Raiano to find my family. Words cannot express how fantastic this experience was for me. I brought only a handful of photographs that I obtained from my grandfather's belongings. I knew the first names of his four sisters. Other than that, all I had were memories of stories a grandfather told his grandson about his experiences in Italy. My grandfather left Italy to immigrate to the US in about 1920 and only returned twice before his death in 1994. Remo is a wonderful person and watching him interact with people while interpreting for Donna and me will forever be with me. Within a short period after arriving in Raiano, I had met one of my Mother's 1st cousins using her daughter's wedding photograph. There were many hugs and tears as this was the first contact my grandfather's family had with US relatives since he died. Long story short, we met two other cousins and some of their children. The best news is that we have been communicating since our return to the US and that is the primary reason we are planning to return so soon. You see, my mother never learned to speak Italian and never met or spoke with any of her relatives in Italy. She is the youngest in her family and she is the only one remaining alive among her immediate family. She now has been introduced to her father's family and traveling to Italy to meet them is all she speaks of. So, we will also be looking to arrange for Remo, and only Remo would be acceptable, to take us back to Raiano. We will refer your company and services to any of our acquaintances planning to travel to Italy. In fact, Donna has already asked me to give her your e-mail address so she can forward it to her doctor. 

Donna Goddard

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