Manny was full of enthusiasm and took us to see many beautiful lit sights.
Dec 2008
We had a wonderful trip and enjoyed all of our drivers! In Naples, Guiseppe took great care of us. We loved visiting Sorrento, Positano and Pompeii. Our lunch at the restaurant high on the hill above Positano was so good and we even met Mama! For our night tour in Rome, Manny was full of enthusiasm and took us to see many beautiful lit sights. Our day with Daniele was spectacular! We got to all of the sights that we wished to see and saw some additional things that he suggested. Our lunch in Castel Gandolfo was delicious and we enjoyed the gelato at the end of our day in Rome. We added 2 more people to our group when we got to Rome, and your company was happy to get us a bigger vehicle to accommodate everyone. We really appreciated that so much. We recommend your services to everyone we know who is traveling to Italy and when we come again, you will hear from us.
Donna Streagle